Meet Lillian E

Lillian in the midst of her writing process.

Lillian is not your average teenager.

No, it’s not because she raises Holland Lops and started her own rabbitry. It’s not because she’s got 4 siblings who get to call her ‘big sis’. It’s not because she lives on a farmette with lots of chickens, and a Bernese Mountain dog named Maximus.

She’s special because she’s read hundreds of books – especially the classics – and draws from all kinds of styles and genres in writing her own stories.

Her first published book, A Thousand Stars, is the product of over three years of writing, re-writing, brainstorming, collaboration, and sketching characters… and lot of drawings and late-night plotline discussions with her biggest fans (ie her family). Thanks to input from friends and cousins and her at-home fanbase, her goal of writing a book as come to fruition through hard work, prayer, and persistence.

Lillian’s biggest fans.